This is an interactive fiction adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's very first written short story The Beast in the Cave.

The actual text of the original story was used wherever possible. My own additions were made to fit within both the story structure and literary style set by Lovecraft. By making the right choices, you can essentially experience the original story word for word or you can take a different path and see how else the story might have played out. There are five possible endings.

Best played with headphones!

Music Low Force - Daniel Birch 

Plague - Kai Engel 

Sound effects Sharpen Knife - J Bravo 

Typewriter - tamskp 

Help - vanceparley 

Crumbling- Mike Koenig 

Zombie Talking - Mike Koenig 

Breathing - Mike Koenig 

Inhaling Loudly - Mike Koenig


This game was created using Twine.

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